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Amazon IAP

Amazon IAP

The guide assumes that react-native-iap is implemented in your app and works with the Play Store without issues. Here are the additional steps to configure Amazon IAP.

Add In-App Items for your app

  1. Create "In-App Items" using Amazon Developer portal for your app. Amazon put up detailed instructions at

  2. Add this a call to RNIapActivityListener.registerActivity(this); inside your MainActivity's onCreate method. This is a necessary step only when using Amazon, but adding it will not affect negatively your Google Play Android builds. E.g.:

import com.dooboolab.rniap.RNIapActivityListener;
public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Needed for Amazon IAP
  1. Add new SKU strings to your Iap.getProducts or Iap.getSubscriptions calls.

App configuration

  1. The current version of Amazon IAP SDK does not play well with R8 optimization. (

Add the code below in android/app/

+ -dontwarn**
+ -keep class** {*;}
+ -keepattributes *Annotation*

Amazon's DRM protection

This package includes Amazon's DRM (Digital Rights Management) protection enabled by default. Amazon's DRM allows license verification for your app, ensuring compliance and protection of your digital content. For more details, refer to the following resources:

  1. DRM Overview
  2. DRM for Android

Disabling Amazon's DRM

In certain cases, you may prefer not to use Amazon's DRM solution and instead implement your own custom DRM. To disable Amazon's DRM, simply add the following property to your project's file:


This setting overrides the default behavior, disabling Amazon's DRM for your app.

Testing in development

To run the example app, with the amazon provider, run:

npm run android:amazon

Amazon offers the App Tester tool to make In-App purchases testing easier. More information can be found here.

Server Validation

Amazon IAP API supports validation of In-App purchases on a remote server side. More information can be found here.


When fetching subscriptions from Amazon, make sure to use children SKUs (so SKUs for specific period ex. monthly or annually), do not use parent subscription SKUs!


Amazon does not return decimal price & currency. Only localized price as a string (ex. 11.22$), see this page.

The package will try its best to parse the string into decimal price. If the package cannot parse the price, it will be 0. Currency is detected based on users Amazon marketplace.