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With Google Play

For Android, you need separate json file from the service account to get the access_token from google-apis, therefore it is impossible to implement serverless.

You should have your own backend and get access_token. With access_token you can simply call validateReceiptAndroid() we implemented. Further reading is here or refer to example repo.

With App Store

Local Validation

Local on-device cryptographic validation is not currently supported. More details are here:

Validating with the App Store

WARNING: This method is not recommended for production usage, and Apple explicitly warn against it in their docs:

This can be used as a convenience method for developing and testing receipt validation through the development lifecycle.

Currently, validating receipts with the App Store is possible locally using validateReceiptIos().

  • The first parameter, you should pass transactionReceipt which returns after buyProduct().
  • The second parameter, you should pass whether this is test environment. If true, it will request to sandbox and false it will request to production.
const receiptBody = {
'receipt-data': purchase.transactionReceipt,
password: '******', // app shared secret, can be found in App Store Connect
const result = await RNIap.validateReceiptIos(receiptBody, false);

For further information, please refer to guide.

Sometimes you will need to get the receipt at times other than after purchase. For example, when a user needs to ask for permission to buy a product (Ask to buy flow) or unstable internet connections.

For these cases we have a convenience method getReceiptIOS() which gets the latest receipt for the app at any given time. The response is base64 encoded.

iOS Purchasing process right way.

Issue regarding valid products

  • In iOS, generally you are fetching valid products at App launching process.

    If you fetch again, or fetch valid subscription, the products are added to the array object in iOS side (Objective-C NSMutableArray).

    This makes unexpected behavior when you fetch with a part of product lists.

    For example, if you have products of [A, B, C], and you call fetch function with only [A], this module returns [A, B, C]).

    This is weird, but it works.

  • But, weird result is weird, so we made a new method which remove all valid products.

    If you need to clear all products, subscriptions in that array, just call clearProductsIOS(), and do the fetching job again, and you will receive what you expected.

Example backend (Node.js)

Here you can find an example backend for idempotent validating of receipts on both iOS/Android and storing and serving subscription state to the client.