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⚠️ Purchase Flow Redesign ⚠️

The purchase flow has been updated as a result of the findings in issue #307. The resulting flow has been redesign to not rely on Promise or Callback.

Below are some of the specific reasons for the redesign:

  1. There may be more than one response when requesting a payment.
  2. Purchases are inter-session asynchronuous meaning requests that are made may take several hours to complete and continue to exist even after the app has been closed or crashed.
  3. The purchase may be pending and hard to track what has been done (example.
  4. The Billing Flow is an event pattern rather than a callback pattern.

Once you have called getProducts(), and have a valid response, you can call requestPurchase(). Subscribable products can be purchased just like consumable products and users can cancel subscriptions by using the iOS System Settings.

Before you request any purchase, you should set purchaseUpdatedListener from react-native-iap. It is recommended that you start listening to updates as soon as your application launches. And don't forget that even at launch you may receive successful purchases that either completed while your app was closed or that failed to be finished, consumed or acknowledged due to network errors or bugs.

import {
type ProductPurchase,
type PurchaseError,
} from 'react-native-iap';

class App extends Component {
purchaseUpdateSubscription = null;
purchaseErrorSubscription = null;

componentDidMount() {
initConnection().then(() => {
// we make sure that "ghost" pending payment are removed
// (ghost = failed pending payment that are still marked as pending in Google's native Vending module cache)
.catch(() => {
// exception can happen here if:
// - there are pending purchases that are still pending (we can't consume a pending purchase)
// in any case, you might not want to do anything special with the error
.then(() => {
this.purchaseUpdateSubscription = purchaseUpdatedListener(
(purchase: SubscriptionPurchase | ProductPurchase) => {
console.log('purchaseUpdatedListener', purchase);
const receipt = purchase.transactionReceipt;
if (receipt) {
.then(async (deliveryResult) => {
if (isSuccess(deliveryResult)) {
// Tell the store that you have delivered what has been paid for.
// Failure to do this will result in the purchase being refunded on Android and
// the purchase event will reappear on every relaunch of the app until you succeed
// in doing the below. It will also be impossible for the user to purchase consumables
// again until you do this.

// If consumable (can be purchased again)
await finishTransaction({purchase, isConsumable: true});
// If not consumable
await finishTransaction({purchase, isConsumable: false});
} else {
// Retry / conclude the purchase is fraudulent, etc...

this.purchaseErrorSubscription = purchaseErrorListener(
(error: PurchaseError) => {
console.warn('purchaseErrorListener', error);

componentWillUnmount() {
if (this.purchaseUpdateSubscription) {
this.purchaseUpdateSubscription = null;

if (this.purchaseErrorSubscription) {
this.purchaseErrorSubscription = null;

Then define the method like below and call it when user press the button.

import { Platform } from 'react-native';
import { requestPurchase, requestSubscription, RequestPurchase } from 'react-native-iap';
class App extends Component {
purchase = async (sku: string) => {
try {
let purchaseParams: RequestPurchase = {
andDangerouslyFinishTransactionAutomaticallyIOS: false,
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
purchaseParams = { skus: [sku] };
await requestPurchase(purchaseParams);
} catch (err) {
console.warn(err.code, err.message);

subscribe = async (sku: string, offerToken: string?) => {
try {
await requestSubscription({
...(offerToken && {subscriptionOffers: [{sku, offerToken}]}),
} catch (err) {
console.warn(err.code, err.message);

* For one-time products
render() {
return (
<Pressable onPress={() => this.purchase(product.productId)}>
{/* ... */}

* For subscriptions products
render() {
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
return => (
onPress={() =>
this.subscribe(product.productId, offer.offerToken)
{/* ... */}
} else {
return (
onPress={() => this.subscribe(product.productId, null)}
{/* ... */}

New Purchase Flow


Most likely, you'll want to handle the “store kit flow”[[2]][apple-store-kit-flow], which happens when a user successfully pays after solving a problem with his or her account – for example, when the credit card information has expired.

For above reason, we decided to remove buyProduct and use requestPurchase instead which doesn't rely on promise function. The purchaseUpdatedListener will receive the success purchase and purchaseErrorListener will receive all the failure result that occurred during the purchase attempt.

Finishing a Purchase

Purchases will keep being emitted to your purchaseUpdatedListener on every app relaunch until you finish the purchase.

All purchases should be consumed by calling finishTransaction().

  • For consumables: Once an item is consumed, it will be removed from getAvailablePurchases() so it is up to you to record the purchase into your database before calling finishTransaction().
  • For non-consumable purchases need to be acknowledged on Android, or they will be automatically refunded after a few days. This method acknowledges a purchase when you have delivered it to your user.
  • On iOS non-consumable purchases are finished automatically but this will change in the future so it is recommended that you prepare by simply calling this method on non-consumables as well.
  • It works for both platforms. Equal to finishTransaction for iOS + consumePurchase and acknowledgePurchase for Android.
  • On Android, although you can confirm transactions through the client, Google encourages you to confirm receipts as quickly and securely as possible through the backend.